200803 Tell Me STI Ending HIV Blog

Telling Someone You Might Have Given Them an STI

It's easier than you think!

200803 Tell Me STI Ending HIV Blog

Telling Someone You Might Have Given Them an STI

It's easier than you think!

Tell everyone from the last 3 months. Yes, even that person!

Whether they’re your boyfriend, your f***buddy, or that one night stand who became a three-night-stand. Whether they might be the ex whose streaming account you still use, or that guy with the name you can’t remember. If you’ve hooked up with them in the past three months and you get an STI, they need to know.

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How to tell someone you have an STI

Remember, tell me - I want to know!

Telling me that you’ve got an STI isn’t as hard as you think. Because I actually want to know.  It’s true. I’ll be grateful that you’re telling me because it means I can get checked out too. Besides, I can’t get mad when I could be the one who gave it to you.


Be specific - yes, that specific.

When you tell me which STI I should get checked for, make sure you give the full name of the STI. And where on the body you have it.  Otherwise, I might get tested for oral chlamydia, when I should really get tested for rectal chlamydia.


How to tell me:

It’s actually pretty simple - try not to overcomplicate things and don’t get weighed down in any guilt - that’s STI stigma talking, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Telling me empowers me to go and get tested and treated if they find anything.


To help you out, here’s an example of how you could let me know:  

“There’s no easy way to say this but I’ve just found out I have rectal chlamydia. I don’t even know who gave it to whom, but you should get checked out. Hope everything is all good.”

You can also head to our Tell Me tool, which you put some details in and it will write the message for you.

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